Repositories and Sources

Repository Sources

Repositories are fetched from repository sources which can be managed in the admin panel. A source can be something like a giteaopen in new window or gitlabopen in new window instance.

After adding a source, hitting the fetch button in the right column of the table will fetch all available repositories of the source.


This feature is still work in progress, more integrations with other git providers will be added in the future


After adding a source and fetching it's repositories, they will be available in the repositories tab in the admin panel.

A repository is not active by default and has to be activated using the button in the right column of the table.

Manual indexing

When a repository is activated, it is simultaneously queued to be indexed.

It is also possible to index all activated repositories using the button above the repositories list

Excluding files or folders of a repository

Global and repository-specific exclude rules can be defined by clicking on a repository in the repositories tab in the admin panel.

Each rule consist of a branch for which the rule should be applied and a regex that matches all files/folders that should be excluded from indexing

A branch can be specified in three ways:

  • * - all branches
  • example - an exact branch name
  • /^test$/ - a regex

A rule is always a regular expression.


Regular expressions have to be enclosed in /, one at the start, one at the end

Control characters have to be escaped, paths for example could look like this: /^example\/path/